It has taken some feet in the earth, but at last my commander for the TSA Star Wars Legion league has arrived, Jyn Erso.
Now, with the whole Covid-19 affair following on Wayland having been out of stock and FFG not delivering due to the pandemic, I had to cancel a part of my order, but at least this model came through after almost 4 months. Not their fault, and they did a great service job, but now I`m waiting for the right moment to order the rest of my force...
But that was not all that arrived by a long shot. My regular ebay go-to guy has delivered again, and a nice selection of Dunland warriors, Orc Trackers and a Fiefdom warrior arrived by mail.
More Lord of the Rings arrived from a find on a local FB trade group, in two of the older books, ideal for the scenarios (and nostalgia).
And even more MESBG, as this classic blister was given to me by a fellow TSA member who had found it rummaging in his pile of shame.
Finally on the MESBG front, my order from Bargain Games arrived, adding some more Hobbits, including a very special one, to the collection.
Games Workshop finally delivered as well, as they have been closed for almost a month due to Covid-19, as White Dwarf 452 fell on the doorstep.
I did do some minor printing this week, as it took a while before I got round to fix an apparent clogging of the nozzle, but I did churn out a bush and a Magic Portal.
And that's it for this week, drop by next sunday to see what has been added!
Archaeology In The Lead Pile
Digging down through the various strata of *The Lead Pile* recently, I came
across several packs of horsemen for the 30mm ECW project. Now, there
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