The things Covid-19 makes you watch...
I guess they played this movie already on the television a gazillion times, yet I never watched it due to being not my genre by a longshot.
But during the lockdown, the movie came up and with Baby Thorin on my lap I well, just kept watching, and saw the movie for the first time actually.
The movie tells the story of Nick Marshall, played by Mel Gibson, a true alphamale sales exectutive. While he is all about seducing women to get his way, he is also having his daugther over as his former wife is on honeymoon with her new husband.
He hires darcy for his office, to broaden the company's appeal to women, when he gets involved in a freak electrocution accident, causing him to pick up the thoughts of women all around him. After getting used to this new ability, he uses it to the fullest to manipulate them, but also to become a better person and father all round.
More and more he becomes attracted to Darcy, helps his teenage daughter with the prom issues and consoling her after her sleazy boyfriend dumps her for not sleeping with him, and becomes a better boss. This all results in him loosing the ability after another lightning strike, and confessing it to Darcy that he stole her ideas that way... but she decides to give him a new chance.
Yup, a true saturdaynight television chick flick, yet this was a really enjoyable one to just gaze at while occupied with a dozing off baby. Is it the best movie ever made? Ab-so-lu-telly not, but the starcast line-up (Gibson, Hunt) does make it acting wise far more enjoyable then your average women channel afternoon drama.
Oh heck, one needs to keep an open mind in genres I pressume when picking films with the GF hehehe... because that is what women want!
WW2 Gurkhas
While taking stock of the Chindits and Gurkhas the other day, I realized
the only thing I had to finish that collection (and have another army at
1000 po...
4 uur geleden
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